Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Carb Cleaning

Saturday, 01.05.2013: Couldn't sleep; so I decided to get up and start working on pulling the carburetors off of the CL.  Because of the high exhaust pipes, I wasn't able to to get the left side cover and air filter off, which meant first taking off the exhaust...  This set me back about 15 minutes or so - not a big deal.  After taking out the original paper air filters (no amount of compressed air and oil was going to be able to salvage them), disconnecting the throttle cable(s), loosening the carb intake boot clamps, and a couple of good wiggles and tugs, out came my Keihin 14H CV carbs.

All-in-all, they really weren't in too terrible of shape.  I broke out the Berryman B-12 Chemtool and started disassembling, spraying, scrubbing and soaking both aluminum and brass pieces.  I started with the left carb. Here are a few shots of the progression:

The air inlet screw was missing its o-ring and I think the previous owner may have put the spring and washer on in the wrong order the last time he cleaned them.  Oh well.  I used a very thin beading needle to clean out the jets and then some compressed air to blow anything that might still be lingering.

The right carb was a lot dirtier on both the outside and inside.  Here are a few pics of the right and then both left and right after they had been cleaned:

Still a bit of rust on the choke butterfly.  I ordered some Wash-Safe Rust Off through the mail.  So when i get it, it should be a matter of just spraying it on and wiping it off with some paper towels after a minute or two.  I'm also considering just sanding and then soda blasting the carbs and engine.  The results look pretty decent from what I've seen on the interwebs and the setup cost is within my budget (maybe a total of $10 for a bucket of baking soda and a couple of feet of clear tubing) compared to taking this stuff somewhere and having it sand or bead blasted for an astronomical price.  I'm willing to give it a little more elbow grease if it allows me to save some money for the remaining parts I need to order (clip-ons, grips, clutch, throttle, and brake cables to name a few).

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